
All those elements are essential for us. So we should keep our environment free from pollution. If we want to solve this problem, we have taken some step. Like as,

***To prevent environment pollution, First of all indiscriminate cutting down of trees should be stopped. Besides, we have to plant more and more trees. Action should be taken against indiscriminate use of chemicals and throwing of waste and filth here and there.

1. All concerned must be conscious to keep free from pollution.

2. Govt. should take comprehensive programmer to check pollution. Above all, for a healthier and a happier life, massive awareness must be created against mater this pollution. 

3. The law enforcing agencies can also play a vital role in this regard.

4. We should create mass media.

5. All necessary steps and public awareness should be kept.

6. All of us take should part for solution these problem.  

So many solution to pollution see this link.....     

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